Saturday 27 January 2007


The evolution of romantic notions in the post-victorian age passed through three distinctive phases. In the first phase, shakespeare's "romeo and juliet" caused flutterings amongst the fairer sex of the erstwhile generation. Romance had begun to gain a foothold as a prominent emotion, not to be mocked at, by the time the great author killed off the young lovers with the jealous father's blade. Then there was a lull until the late 1980s, when Dire Straits brought the lovers to their feet by their soulful rendering of "romeo and juliet". Red roses were at a premium that season,while the white ones sold for blood money. But nothing compares to the last ( and final ? ) great charge for Romance - please note the proper noun. From a simple word in the dictionary and in the hearts of lovers, it moved 100 places up to gain top position among the Big Contenders - namely, Money,Fame,Power,Sex etcetera etcetera. And who should bring about this earth shaking movement, this revolution of faith, but our very own Barua!!Barua, the modern Romeo, the greatest lover since the dawn of mankind! Since the very beginning of time, hordes of tribes in Darkest Africa have raised their beseeching spears to the Gods, asking for wooing powers such as his. Women have beaten their breasts and shed tears in vain, looking for a Man such as this. Poets have wept over their verses, wallowing in their inadequacy to express genuine, true-blue Romance. This is where barua steps in and saves the day. Bald and bespectacled, when he rides in on his bicycle by the moonlight, one wouldn't be too far gone to draw a comparision from the great Middle Ages
"Ere in the Knight galloped On his brave steed, His sword unsheathed Glowing armor on him..."
our great warrior for romance stands alone. from age 9 to 90, no one can escape the wrath of his passion. it starts off as traces of smoke, kindles into a flame and bursts out into the glorious reds and oranges of a full-blown South Tasmanian bushfire, leaving the hapless lovely bewildered and bedazzled at Barua'a altar. Quoting a popular ballad:
"He's everything you wanthe's everything you needhe's everything inside of you That you wish you could be.."
However, every great success hinges on small beginnings and our modern Romeo is no exception.....
(to be continued)
our slim and handsome Romeo had rather humble beginnings. the odd maid servant in the neighbourhood, the lonely grass widow in the apartment upstairs, pining away for her husband away at sea - he refined his technique on such unsuspecting, unsophisticated females, all the while reaching for that tone of perfection that would make his name a household wail all over the Gurgaon block. and why wail, the reader may ask? because, my dear friend, not all the lovelies were lucky enough to have been smitten by our Romeo's charm. However, news travels faster than wind, and Gurgaon was no exception.Romeo started off with the children. unassuming and childlike himself, it wasnt too long before the mothers trusted him with their daughters. he would play with them on the swings and the merry-go-rounds, and let his subtle charm do all the work.the first fish to bite was the child ritika. all of 12 years old but still not out of pigtails and skirts. she could not get Romeo out of her mind. the two of them would linger in the park long after all playmates had gone off, and talk about this and that. in no time,ritika was pleading with her parents to let her get married and settled- she could not bear to have Romeo out of her sight for a minute. the mother understood - she was equallly smitten by our Romeo. But the shocked pater banished the little one to Shimla, from where she would write dewy-dropped teary-eyed letters to Romeo. And so ended his first affair on a tragic note.however, the playing fields were wide and green, and Romeo lost no time in "hooking up", to use a vulgar turn of speech.